Positive Lifestyle Changes Can Affect Almost Every Aspect of Your Body.

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Did you realize that the following actions and changes are taking place right now in your body? Read more….

Your skin is a remarkable organ. It is the largest organ in your body. Every square inch of skin consists of 19 million cells, 20 feet – over 6 meters - of blood vessels and has an average of 32 million bacteria on it. Your skin cells shed off at a rate of about 600,000 particles each hour and your outer skins cells regenerate about every 27 days. So, in essence, each month you have a new set of skin. Your skin is in place to protect everything that’s on the inside.

The adult human body is made up of approximately 100 trillion cells, 600 muscles, 206 bones and 22 internal organs.

Distribution of Weight –

  • Muscle tissue makes up about 40 percent of your overall body weight;
  • Blood about eight percent;
  • Bones are about 14 percent;
  • Skin about 12 percent;
  • Brain about two percent.

While your Brain comprises only about two percent of your overall body weight, it requires about 20 percent of your oxygen intake.

Your Circulatory System – made up of arteries, veins and capillaries – is about 60,000 miles - 96,558 kilometers - long!

Every hour, about 180 million New Red Blood Cells enter the blood stream. Red blood cells travel throughout the body delivering oxygen and nutrients and collecting carbon dioxide and waste.

A single human blood cell takes about one minute to make a complete circuit of the body.

White blood cells comprise only one percent of blood. This can double within 24 hours when a body responds to infection.

Intestines (small and large) measure somewhere around 25 feet – 7 meters sixty twin – in length. About 90 percent of the body’s nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine.

The Heart beats an average of 2.5 million times in a lifetime.

There are about 9,000 Taste Buds on the surface of your tongue, throat and on the roof of your mouth.

The average lifespan of a taste bud is about 10 days. In essence you have a new set of taste buds every two weeks.

An adult Human Brain weight about three pounds – 1.36 kilos. It contains about 100 billion neurons.

Nerve impulses to and from the brain can travel as fast as 170 miles – 274 kms. -per hour.

Each of your two Kidneys contains about one million individual filters, which filter more than two pints of blood each minute.

The human body is about 80 percent water. Even bones, which seem dense and solid, are about 75 percent water.

Adults require about 88 pounds – 39.92 kilos - of Oxygen per day.

The average Cough comes out of your mouth at a speed of 60 miles – 96.56 kms. -per hour. The average Sneeze is faster at 90 miles – 145 kms. - per hour. It is advisable to keep your distance from anyone suffering from either coughs or colds.

Is there any other machine as complex and which – if its needs are provided correctly – will go through thick and thin for anything up to 100 plus years? Is it not only remarkable but quite amazing? As such it would seem worthwhile to observe Healthy Lifestyle Habits, NONE OF WHICH SHOULD UPSET YOUR NORMAL ROTINES BUT RATHER ENHANCE THEM.  Here are a few suggestions that you can choose from as a “kick-off” to keep your amazing body fit and energetic.

  • Since the body is made up of mostly Water, the first habit is to stay hydrated. Avoid sugary drinks and sodas. Instead, reach for plain water. Keeping your cells hydrated helps them work like they should. It allows the body to rid itself of waste.
  • Eat foods that started out life as a Plant. Fruits and vegetables are so important for good health. Whenever possible, choose fresh over processed. Avoid fried or heavy, calorie-filled sauces. Pick a variety of colorful fruits and veggies whenever possible.
  • Take smaller mouthfuls of whatever food you eat and chew every morsel to the maximum.**
  • Get Moving. As you start to feel more inclined purely from the above three suggestions, start a moderate activity such as walking, biking or swimming. You will be taking in more oxygen and burning more calories. By walking just 20 minutes a few days a week, the average person will burn off seven pounds of body fat in a year - even more if you adhere to good eating habits. You may even consider joining a Health Club on a 3 – month trial.

**Definition of Mastication or Chewing

Mastication or chewing is the process by which food is crushed and ground by teeth. It is the first step of digestion and it increases the surface area of foods to allow more efficient break down by enzymes. During the mastication process, the food is positioned between the teeth for grinding by the cheek and tongue. As chewing continues, the food is made softer and warmer, and the enzymes in saliva begin to break down carbohydrates in the food. After chewing, the food (now called a bolus) is swallowed. It enters the esophagus and via peristalsis continues on to the stomach, where the next step of digestion occurs.