Does Muscle turn to Fat if you stop exercising?

Fat is Fat & Muscle is Muscle!

There is much confusion and frustration being caused by lack of knowledge as to the differences between Muscle and Fat in the Human Body.
1. It is often the case that so-called “thin” people could be carrying too much “fat”. Their muscle structure and proportion of “Muscle” and “Fat” in their bodies can also be out of the healthy ratios.
2. The best method of checking your muscle, fat and water percentages and weight in the body is through the means of a simple Body Composition test that is non-invasive. Once your height and sex is recorded, it will measure body weight, percentage body fat and percentage of water in your body in relation to total weight. At this stage you can determine how much FAT needs to be lost, which must not be confused with weight loss which will include loss of muscle – just the opposite of what the aim is and what almost always happens when dieting.
3. Below is an illustration of 2.27 kg. (5 lbs.) of Muscle (on the left) seen against the same weight of Fat.
4. Besides the volume differential - +- three times – muscle is made up of 65 – 75% water whilst fat contains about 15%.
5. Another essential ingredient when discussing fat loss is to know in to which body type you fall in to. A heavyweight wrestler will find it a problem to finish up with a body of a marathon runner. This is important so that you will have a realistic target and picture in mind of what you will look like at the end of the period of treatment or discipline.
6. It is also a fact that if you include an exercise program (especially a strength or muscle building program) together with a nutritional plan, you will lose FAT, the main aim, but may be despondent because your body weight may have increased. This is normal and in fact a good sign. The Fat will soon start disappearing. You may find that your shape has changed, so although you may have gained kilos or pounds, you can surprisingly fit in to smaller size clothing that had been impossible for so long.
7. Why am I explaining these facts? To emphasize that the “language” being used in talking about overweight and obesity in general as well as through the media or by the medical profession MUST BE CHANGED FROM “WEIGHT LOSS” TO “FAT LOSS”.
8. Muscle cannot turn in to fat and fat cannot turn in to muscle.